*Students get a new bathroom pass each grading period that gives them two bathroom trips.
*When they use their pass to go to the bathroom, I use a hole punch to punch out one of the stars on their pass.
*If they lose their pass or I've already punched out both of their stars, they cannot go.
*On the last day of the grading period, students who have not used their bathroom passes turn them into me. As an incentive for not using their pass, I give students the choice of a free homework grade (I turn a zero into a 100) or extra credit on a quiz or a test from that grading period.
*You can choose the amount of extra credit to give based on your own individual classes. I typically give 5 points to my Honors/AP classes and 10 points to my standard or lower level classes.
I do grant students exceptions for medical conditions and extreme circumstances. This pass is not intended to punish students who truly need to use the bathroom, but to discourage students from using a trip to the bathroom as a way to check up on friends, wander the halls, etc..
Click on the image for your free Bathroom Passes download!